
Testing Fragrances Part 2

Fragrances can be made up of hundreds different components and it isn’t just vanillin that causes discolouration. Any of the essential oils, resins, natural and synthetic aroma chemicals can have an effect on the final colour of the soap. […]


Testing Fragrances Part 1

Fragrances are one of the most difficult ingredient to predict how they will affect the soap and the soap making process. This is the first part in a three-part series, and will be looking at the component vanillin, which gives vanilla essence it’s unique scent and flavour. Unfortunately in soap making, it it is one of the main culprits that causes the soap to turn brown. […]


How to add fresh ingredients to soap

Using fresh ingredients in soap making has become very popular in the last years, largely due to the demand for more natural products. However, fresh ingredients will add extra water, sugar and/or fat to your soap, which alters the formulation and affects the outcome of your soap. In this post, I will explain what is needed and how to avoid common pitfalls. […]


How to use clays in soap

There are many benefits of adding clays to soaps, and not only as natural colourants. In this post I explain what clays are, how they work and the properties and uses in soaps. […]


The results from the colour tests

The past two months, I’ve been busy testing micas, pigments and lakes in cold process soaps and bath bombs. I’ve blogged about it, but to make it easier for you to find these posts, I’ve created some colour guides for you to use and download.  […]


Testing purple micas

The last in the mica colour test series, purple is particular important for the ever popular lavender soap. However, it has always been a difficult colour to achieve in cold process soap, one reason many soap makers turn to micas for this colour. […]