Upcoming soap classes

I have three soap making classes coming up in September:

17 September – Soap making
Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland.

A full day workshop with focus on the science of soap making. We will start with the basics of soap making, including equipment and material, and the cold process soap making technique. From there on we will go into the science of soap making, looking at how soap works, how soap is made, and how to create your own soap recipes. We will look at how to fragrance soap, different colourants used in soap making, and you will get to make your own soaps: a small loaf of natural castile soap, and colourful soap cupcakes. This workshop is suitable for both beginners and those who want to know about the science of soap making! Register here (only 2 places remaining)

Soap cupcakes made by a student

18 September – Natural Soap Making
Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland.

This is an advance class, or a follow up to the previous day. In this half day workshop, you will learn how to make natural soaps and how to improve or enhance your soaps naturally. We will discuss what is considered natural and we will look at different natural ingredients that can be used in soap making. The main focus however is on natural colourants, and you will have the opportunity to make your own small loaf of soap using natural colourants, including infused oils that have been infusing for 3 months, especially for this course! Register here

Infused oils with plant material for colouring soap

18 September – Solid Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland.

In this half day workshop, you will make your own solid shampoo and conditioner bars. You will also learn a bit about hair and scalp science, how shampoo and conditioners work, and the difference (or is there a difference?) between solid and liquid products. Register here

I love using my shampoo bars!


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