Upcoming soap classes Term 1

This term is going to be a busy month. The 6 week Soap Class at Mairangi Arts Centre is well underway, and was booked out really quickly. I have 2 new one-day weekend workshops at Mairangi if you can’t make it to next term’s evening classes. There are also weekend workshops at Selwyn College (Kohimaramara), Rutherford College (Te Atatu Peninsula), and at Uxbridge Arts & Culture Centre (Howick).

And after last year’s successful workshops learning to make your own amazing botanical face cream, it is now offered at several places. So check them out below!

Castile Soap

Basic Soap making for Beginners

This one day workshop will teach you the basics of soap making using the cold process technique. We will start with an introduction to soap making, a little bit about the history of soap making and then continuing on to the different methods of soap making, and the equipment and material you need to make soap. I’ll explain and walk you through each step of the soap making process, and then after a demonstration, you’ll be making your own natural castile soap, scented with natural essential oils and decorated with flower petals. After a quick lunch, we’ll look at how soap works and I’ll explain the chemistry of soap making in a nutshell, without going too deep into the science (there’s an evening class for that if you are interested). We’ll then look at how to fragrance your soap and what colourants can be used in soap making. And then we’ll finish off by making either gorgeous soap cupcakes like the ones below.

Saturday 4 March 2023 – Selwyn College, Kohimarama – COURSE FULL – JOIN WAITING LIST
Saturday 18 March 2023 – Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula – BOOK HERE

Sunday 16 April 2023* – Mairangi Arts Centre, Mairangi Bay – Details tba
Sunday 23 April 2023* – Mairangi Arts Centre, Mairangi Bay – Details tba

*Note at these classes the second soap will not be cupcakes but a swirled soap

Soap cupcakes made by a student

Make your own solid shampoo and conditioner bars

In this half day workshop, you will make your own solid shampoo and conditioner bars. You will also learn about hair and scalp science, how shampoo and conditioners work, the difference between solid and liquid shampoo and conditioner, the different kind of ingredients used in shampoos and conditioners, and how you can create your own formulations.

Sunday 5 March (morning) – Selwyn College, Kohimaramara – BOOK HERE
Saturday 11 March (morning) – Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula – BOOK HERE
Saturday 25 March (morning) – Uxbridge Arts & Culture Centre, Howick – BOOK HERE

I love using my shampoo bars!

Learn to make your own beautiful botanical face cream

This is a new workshop, first offered last year on a trial and now expanded to different schools and extended to 3 hours. This is a very intensive workshop, but you will walk away with a beautiful natural face cream that you have created yourself tailored to your own skin’s needs. You’ll be using natural floral hydrosols, nourishing oils, botanical extracts, and essential oils, and more. The cream you will be making is completely natural using high quality cosmetic grade ingredients. You’ll learn what emulsions are and how to make them. We’ll discuss why we need to preserve water-based formulations, the different types of preserving systems, and what natural options there are. When making your own cream, I will guide you each step of the way, and you’ll be able to choose your own ingredients that suit your skin the best. Examples of creams made in last years classes include an anti-ageing cream, a nourishing night cream, and a light day cream for sensitive skin.

Sunday 5 March (afternoon) – Selwyn College, Kohimaramara – BOOK HERE
Saturday 11 March (afternoon) – Rutherford College, Te Atatu Peninsula – BOOK HERE

A very gentle day cream with rosehip seed oil and green tea extract

Soap Making Evening Class TERM 2

This is a new class offered for the first time next term. It is aimed at beginners who have never made soap before, but also for those who know how to make soap but would like to know about the science of soap making and learn a few new techniques along the way. The course goes will run for 4 weeks, one evening per week. Each evening consists of a theory block followed by a practical session. You’ll be making 4 small loaves of soap, each soap will be approximately 500 grams, which makes 4 large or 8 guest-sized bars. During the first evening, you will be introduced to the soap making process. We will look at how soap is made, what equipment and material you need, the ingredients used to make soap and where you can source your ingredients from. You’ll learn about the different methods of soap making, and I will take you through the cold process technique step by step. We’ll finish the evening with a natural castile soap, which is a very mild and gentle cleansing soap, great for sensitive skin.

The second evening, we will look at how soap works, and we’ll look at how to use colourants in soap. You’ll also learn about fragrancing your soap and some of the problems you can encounter when making soap. During the practical session, you’ll learn how to use colour and I’ll show you a very simple swirling technique. During the third evening, we will look at the chemical reaction that happens when you mix lye and fats together. You will learn about the saponification process and how to make good quality soaps. You’ll be learning another colouring technique during the practical session. The last evening will teach you how to create your own recipes. We’ll discuss different oils and fats used in soap making, how to correctly calculate your lye and water amount, and what makes a good soap recipe. And we will finish of the course with a final practical session, during which you will learn one of my favourite swirling techniques.

Mondays 7-9 pm, 1 – 22 May 2023 – Selwyn College, Kohimaramara – details tba

Swirl technique with neon soap colourants

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